1. The Most Traded in Car for a New Tesla Model 3 in Europe is the Volkswagen Golf
The total-cost-of ownership is compelling. A Tesla is cheap to run with low fuel and maintenance costs that the most traded in vehicle for a Model 3 is a Volkswagen Golf. With no mandatory service intervals and electricity costing less than a third of petrol or diesel, moving from a cheaper sticker price car to a Model 3 or even Model S and Model X is commonplace across the globe.
2. Dashcam as Standard
You can record and store video footage captured by the car’s camera onto a USB flash drive. While stationary, Sentry Mode adds a unique layer of protection to Tesla vehicles by continuously monitoring the environment around the car when it is left unattended. When enabled, Sentry Mode enters a “Standby” state, like many home alarm systems, which uses the car’s external cameras to detect potential threats.
3. Model 3 Air Vents Are Invisible
Anytime you move the air direction in the touch screen, carefully calculated ratios of vertical and horizontal air pressure are in play between two intersecting vents.
4. A Tesla Memorizes (And Adjusts To) Bad Roads, Obstacles and Narrow Streets
The location-based settings enable the driver to automatically adjusts its suspension or auto-folds mirrors in a narrow street or carwash when you pass the same location next time.
5. You Use the Tesla App to Make a Service Appointment
Owners schedule a service visit in their Tesla app. If the type of concern they report can be addressed by mobile service, the Tesla app will direct them to pick a date and time and the address of where they want service to be performed.
6. You Can Always Access a Tesla, Even in the Tightest of Parking Spaces
You can ‘summon’ the car: you can have it move forward and backward from outside the car, using the Tesla app.
7. A Tesla Listens to Your Charging Time Preferences
When you plug in a Tesla at home, you can set a time frame for when you want the car to charge, benefiting from off-peak rates.
8. The Car Does the Math for You
A Tesla takes the consumption of the car, based on the driver’s driving behavior, into account when navigating to a destination, and dynamically adjusts its Supercharging advice.
9. In-Car Cinema
When the car is stationary, during charging for example, you can play games or watch Netflix.
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